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This page shows what we have done in the past months since the start of the project, we hope this can help you understand what  we have been doing to get to this point, we will always keep this timeline update until the very end of this course/this project!

From where it begins...
Grouping is conducted

Feb 7


Cassie, Harry and Lee in the Innovative and Technology team!

We are lucky to have organic farmer Mr. Chong and others to share their experience and outlook of their organic farm, giving us a brief but meaningful guest share.

Guest sharing by Organic farm owners

Feb 14

Guest sharing by the Rooftop Republic

Feb 21

螢幕截圖 2020-03-23 下午11.47.08.png

We are thankful to have Kendy and Raven from the Rooftop Republic to give us a guest talk, they provide a lot of information about the development of their rooftop farms, as well as sharing the core values and motives of their practices, this helps a lot on the development of our project.

It is a pleasure to have Professor Jing Liu from the Tohoku University (Japan) to give a guest talk about SDGs and community engagement, as well as providing comments on our project proposals.

Guest talk by Professor Jing Liu

Feb 28

Our proposal presentation

Feb 28

We did our proposal presentation, briefly showing our ideas and the mechanisms.

First consultation with I&T tutor

Mar 6

We are glad to have game designer Ms. Adinda Van Oosten as our tutor to guide our project, she gave us a small lecture on game making.

Guest talk by Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din

Mar 10

Thank you Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din, the director of campus sustainability, associate professor from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia) to give a talk about how student could engage in community work for the betterment of the society.

Second consultation with I&T tutor

Mar 13

We have decided to use GameMaker Studio as the engine for our game, but we ended up spending most of the lecture time to learn about the game mechanics, which some of the functions took more time than we expected accomplished, but it is an interesting experience after all.

Change of plans

Mar 17

Vyond logo.png

Realizing the difficulties we encountered using the GameMaker Studio engine, we think that we won't be able to create the ideal prototype we would like it to be with the given schedule, we decided to use Vyond as suggested by Professor Xiao instead.

Third consultation with I&T tutor

Mar 20

Vyond did act as a better platform to present our ideas via the use of animation, we have made some

consultation with our tutor Adinda on the development details of the game, like how we would like the story to be, what gaming features or mechanisms we would like to achieve, a fruitful discussion indeed.

Our first Draft

Mar 21

This is our first draft of the animation video, showing the basic mechanism and the overall look of the game. We missed some of the descriptions and important functions we expected to have, the missed features will be added in the next version.

To play this video, view this post from your live site.

Updated version of our prototype

Mar 23

The features we missed last time were added to our animation, it work very well with sounds!

Our webpage is almost ready!

Mar 23

After working for almost a week, our webpage is almost ready to showcase our work!

Thank you for all the waiting and keep up good work everyone :D

Prototype presentation and testing

Mar 24


Thank you Kendy and Raven from the Rooftop Republic to join the prototype 2.0 testing and give comments to our future development, we also want to specifically thank them for approving us to use the name of Rooftop Republic for educational purposes and prototype development.

Our webpage is updated!

Mar 26

We have sent our website to our professor and received a lot of useful comments! We made an update on our website and become more readable with a better page layout and guidelines! We also added a feedback corner for you to tell us how you feel about our project!

Our third version of prototype

Mar 27

We changed a bit on the introductory and added features such as notifications! Enjoy!

Prototype testing with
students from Hope College


It is a pleasure to have interviews with students from Hope College to check out our prototype! We received a lot of useful advices and got a chance to view our prototype from a different perspective. It was good experience and appreciate their help! 

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